Babies Make 4!

The Tale of the Two Ream Babies!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

7 Months Old

Whoa, I'm fallining into the couch. -Shane.
Mom, I'm sitting up. -James

Daddy's Home! - James

Did you have to wake me up? - James

Man, I am so out of shape! - James


Get off me Shane!!! - James
Let me see if I can stand on your shoulders. - Shane

I am thiiiiiiiiiiiis big. - James

Just chillin with Panda. - Shane

Sleepy, sleepy! - James

Someone, anyone, come play with me! - James

Just like Grandpa! - James

Just crawling around!

Who me? - James

I got daddy's hat. - Shane



Just having fun in my round-a-bout! - Shane

You can't see my nakedness, can you?- James Peek-A-Boo! - Shane

Hello and welcome to my house! Come in and make yourself comfortable. - Shane

Cheese! - Mommy & James

I puked! - James

I like this stuff! What is it? Baby Powder? -Shane
