Babies Make 4!

The Tale of the Two Ream Babies!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

11 Weeks Old

I am so cute! Now change my diaper! -James

Yeah, I like this thing! -Shane

Hey my little Shweeheart! -Shane

What's the deal with the straight jacket? - Shane
Off to bed! - Mom

Look, I'm a mummy! - James

Happy Babies!

I love my brother! - Shane


Uh oh, brother is getting annoyed. -Shane

Uhhhhh, can someone get this kid off me? -Shane
Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. -James

Mom, I think this hat is too tight. I can't think right. - James

Sleepy Head Shane

10 Weeks Old

Thanks for waking me up!!!!! I really unhappy now. -James

Can you quit taking pictures of me? Can't you see I am busy!
- Shane

Can you see my hand? I think I got it in, haha. -James

Ughhh! Did you hear me? Iiiiiii saaaaaaaid no more pictures today! -Shane
Hey, what's going on? -James
I give up! -Shane

Yippie, Yie, Yeah! -James

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am still in my pajama's. James signing off, have a happy and healthy day!

I can flex and drink my bottle at the same time, I am just like Dad! -Shane

Mom, Dad, watch me shake my rattler! - James

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet (Whistling). Anyday now, how long do we have to be in these carseats?! - James
I like these carseats, we must be going to Walmart! - Shane
Awwwwwe! We always go there! - James
Hellllooooooo James! We live in Lexington... what do you expect?
- Shane

Wow, you really are startin' to look identical! -Mom

Plumber!! -Nathan
Dad! - Shane

Dad, I am trying to roll over!!! -Shane

Saturday, September 16, 2006

9 Weeks Old

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

8 Weeks Old

7 Weeks Old

6 Weeks Old

5 Weeks Old