Babies Make 4!

The Tale of the Two Ream Babies!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Jena needs a taaaaan! HAHA. No can do right now! Here is my belly at 14 weeks. Sometimes it look huge and other times it looks small. It is weird, but it is nice to be able to stick your belly out in pride! The only thing is that you are in the stage where people are probably thinking " is she chubby or pregnant." I had a lady ask me yesterday if I had any kids yet? I pointed to my stomach and it didn't look like she got it at first. Oh well, it is nice to have evidence for you and your husband that you are in fact pregnant and that I haven't been using the old "I am sick" trick for the past 3 months.

I am finally starting to get some energy now! I feel much better, just have to snack a lot and I will have a good day. Hopefully I will get back to wanting to cook every night for dinner. Poor Nathan had chicken for the first time in 3 months. We used to have it with everything but I refuse to eat it until the end of this. Blahhhh!

I don't have any strech marks yet and I am hoping that I am lucky enough to walk away with out them. Not sure though with how big I am anticipating to get. I have been putting the Palmer's on everyday since I received some in the mail from Kristina. Thanks K-dogg!


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